Happy Thanksgiving
I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving filled with love and joy.
I hope you’re spending this holiday surrounded by people who mean everything to you, eating delicious food, and making happy memories. I want to say a special “thank you” to my readers. For the people kind enough to read my work, follow me on social media, and share my life.
Thank for for following my Crazy Perfect Life!
I give thanks.
Every day.
For the people I love and who love me.
For the sweet souls God put in my life.
For a husband to love, and a family to call my own.
A safe place to call home.
I give thanks.
Every day.
For my health and the health of my loved ones.
For food to eat, shelter to live in, and the freedom to do as I please.
I am truly blessed.
I try to remember this, when I feel stressed.
I live with gratitude.
I take nothing for granted.
I am filled with joy.
Life isn’t perfect, it doesn’t have to be.
I’m truly blessed, to get to be me.
For these blessings in my life, I am thankful.
What are you thankful for?
Find meaning each day,
If you liked this post, check out: https://crazyperfectlife.com/love-with-all-your-heart/
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Happy turkey day! Gobble, Gobble, Gobble! Grateful for you!
Happy Turkey Day!