Count Your Blessings, Connect With Your Heart, and Nurture Your Soul
This 75-day write-in gratitude journal is an amazing tool to help you learn to see the blessings in your life. Using this journal will help you connect to your heart’s desire and gain more happiness and joy. Research shows there’s a benefit to putting pen to paper, and this journal is the perfect tool to help you gain clarity in your life.
Each of the 75 days contains the following thoughtful and intentional sections:
- Positive affirmations You will start each day with a positive quote.
- A section to list 3 things you are grateful for This will help you notice the good in your life, even the small things. By practicing this each day, you will have the opportunity to discover the blessings in your life.
- Space to write what is on your mind Here you will work out any challenges you might be facing in your life and think about things that are going on in your life.
- A section to tap into how you’re feeling In this section you will be able to keep track of your feelings and notice any trends.
- An action you can take to help you feel the way you want to feel This section will empower you to see how you can intentionally help yourself feel the way you want to feel. You have more power than you think.
- A place to set your intention for the day It’s important to take the time to think about what you want from your day. By writing it down and setting the intention, you aren’t just letting life happen to you, you’re creating what you want.
- The self-care component Learning to nurture your soul and think about how you can do something for yourself each day can help you feel your best. Simple daily self-care suggestions are listed at the beginning of the journal. Taking the time to nurture your soul each day, even just for fifteen minutes, can help you show up each day feeling more grounded.
It is recommended that this journal be used at the same time each day. It’s a great way to start your day and help you have a positive mindset. This journal also makes a great gift. Let your friends and family know you care about them and their well-being by gifting them this journal.

Wisdom on Life, Loss, and Love
For most of my adult life, I’ve had a ziplock bag containing letters I received, from the first time I went to sleep-away camp until I graduated from college. The letters were from my parents and my grandparents, but mostly from my mom and two grandmothers. I learned many lessons from these strong women, who have each passed away. Many times over the past years I’ve longed to talk with them and hear what they think about the life I have created for myself. Living in a world without them has been among the greatest challenges of my adult life.
Though I knew where this bag was, I didn’t have the courage to open it and reread the letters. I was fearful that reading them would bring back the grief I had worked so hard to overcome.
Because of an unexpected occurrence, I finally opened the bag. I was shocked by what happened next. Rereading the letters, after so many years, brought me unanticipated peace, love, and a renewed connection to my mom and grandmothers. I gave myself permission to let go of the sadness I’d been holding onto since their deaths, and the experience transformed my life. They brought back beautiful family memories and taught her many life lessons; they caused her to reflect on the priceless love between mothers and daughters and how wisdom and traditions can be passed on from one generation to the next.
Dara’s story inspires us to strengthen the bonds between mothers and daughters, to remember family traditions, to let go of the pain of loss, and to make the most of each day of our lives.
50 Tips and Takeaways to help those diagnosed and the people who love them
In this personal account of her cancer journey, Dara Kurtz talks candidly about being diagnosed, telling her friends and family she has cancer, going through treatments and learning to be a survivor. Each chapter provides insight and inspiration for patients, survivors and loved ones who have been affected by this scary, unpredictable disease.
Not only did Dara survive cancer, she ultimately thrived, and with her tips and guidance, you can too. If you, or someone you love, have been diagnosed with cancer, this book is for you.
“This is the book I needed when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Everyone kept sending me flowers. I didn’t need flowers. I needed guidance. I needed inspiration. I needed someone to tell me how to get through the hardest experience of my life. That’s what this book provides.” ~ Dara
Includes 100 Journal Exercises
Whether you are currently dealing with a cancer diagnosis and treatment or have been a survivor for years, you likely have some unresolved issues regarding this unwelcome chapter in your life.
If reading the inspirational book, Crush Cancer: Personal Enlightenment From A Cancer Survivor by Dara Kurtz, has you wanting more, the 100 exercises in this companion workbook will help you face your fears about having cancer, find ways to manage your anxiety, guilt and anger, and learn to ultimately appreciate the lessons this difficult experience can teach you.
Are you ready to crush cancer? Let’s get started!