A Holiday Change
This is the first Thanksgiving I’ll spend without my daughter, Zoe. She’s going on a school trip to New York. While I’m thrilled for her, I don’t like being separated from her on this holiday. On any holiday. NOT AT ALL.
It was our choice not to go to New York with her. A decision that felt right at the time, but one I find myself questioning now that it’s here.
Truth be told, I’m nervous about her being in Times Square because of the recent terror threats. I truly hate that our world has come to this: A mother is worried about her daughter going on a school trip, in our country, because of safety issues.
Zoe, who is fully aware of all that’s going on in the world, is a bit uneasy about it too. She’s not the only one. I know we can’t live in fear. I know security will be tight. I know the probably of anything happening to her is minimal.
Still, she’s my daughter. I want her to be safe.
“What do you want to do?” we asked her.
“I’m going, “ she said, “But, I’m still a little scared.”
When I was sixteen, I worried about getting a date to the Homecoming dance or who I would sit with at lunch. She’s worried about a suicide bomber hitting Times Square while she’s there.
This saddens me.
Of course, it doesn’t help, when Avi turns to me and says, “I can’t believe you let her go.”
Well, she’s there now, and I’m going to practice what I preach. I’m not going to worry about what I can’t control, have faith that everything will be OK, and turn it over to the universe. This parent thing…not easy. NOT AT ALL.
I’ll enjoy the holiday weekend, but I know I’ll feel better when Zoe is home, safe and sound. If you’re a parent, you know what I’m talking about.
Find meaning each day,
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