A Chain Reaction
The interaction we have with other people can set off a chain reaction.
If you’re in a happy, good mood, you’re more likely to be pleasant when you interact with the people around you. I don’t just mean your family, I mean everyone you come into contact with: the cashier at the grocery store, the waiter who messed up your order, the person helping you on the phone.
The opposite holds true when you’re in a bad mood. You might not realize it, but the way you interact with other people can set off a chain reaction.
This time of year, most people are especially nice to each other. We chitchat in store lines, talk about our holiday shopping, and wish each other a “happy holiday season.” It’s nice. It’s pleasant.
I wish it would last.
Remember, how you talk to other people, and the mood you’re in, can enhance that person’s day. It can also be a dark cloud. Take for example, a conversation I recently had with a woman at the grocery store. The store was especially crowded, and I saw someone who looked stressed and anxious. She wasn’t wearing a happy face.
“It’s a stressful time of year,” I said to her. I couldn’t help myself. If you read my blog regularly, which I hope you do, you might notice a reoccurring trait of mine: I have trouble keeping my mouth shut. I talk to anyone and everyone, wherever I go. I like to think I’m spreading my cheer.
“You could say that,” the woman said, “I don’t know how I’m going to get it all done.”
“Just do one thing at a time,” I said to her, “and it will all get done. But next week, Christmas is going to be over with, so you might as well enjoy it.” I smiled at her, and went on with my shopping.
She found me on another aisle, and thanked me for reminding her about the importance of enjoying the holiday. She told me she needed to hear it. Which, of course, made me feel good.
Remember this the next time you interact with someone. You have the ability to make or break someone’s day. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather put a smile on someone’s face instead of being a negative Nelly.
Just think what would happen if we all paid more attention to this.
Find meaning each day,
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