Tell Your Story
Everyone has a story to tell, no matter how “normal” their lives may seem. And, for every story to be told, there is someone who needs to hear it. Will 2023 be the year you finally share your story? Now that I’m a published author, I get asked a lot about my publishing journey, and since I’ve been self-published and traditionally published, I’m able to offer insight on both.
After going through breast cancer, I knew what my first story could be, but I wasn’t sure how to change it from a Word document on my computer into a published book available to the people I thought it needed to reach. I tried the traditional publishing route first and spent a ton of time looking for and finally finding a literary agent who was the right fit for my project. Then after getting my hopes up and doing a lot of work, the proposal was turned down at the last minute. The process was exhausting.
That’s when I discovered self-publishing.
Unlike a couple decades ago, when writers had to find an agent and be accepted by a traditional publisher to see their work in print, anyone can become a published author today. Is this a good thing? It is when the right steps are taken to create a book that will inform, entertain, comfort, or inspire the reader.

Make 2023 the year you tell your story!
For my first book, Crush Cancer, I turned to Publish Pros to help me understand and navigate the publishing process, make sure my message was well-written, and create a cover that would attract readers who could benefit from the book’s message. I felt they understood what I was trying to accomplish and had my best interest at heart. It was a great moment and I was so happy and proud to hold a printed copy of that first book in my hands. It really jump started my speaking career. Since then, I have referred others to Publish Pros, including Lisa Norman, author of the charming Ellie Asks children’s book series.
Armed with the knowledge and confidence I lacked when I started my first book, a larger platform, and over 200,000 followers on social media, I sold my second book, I Am My Mother’s Daughter, to a traditional publisher. I enjoyed that process as well and feel blessed to be on this path.
Both experiences were very positive for me, and it’s really up to you to decide which is the best fit for you. The important part is that you give yourself permission to tell your story.
If you prefer to talk, and writing isn’t your thing but you want to tell your story, find a podcast to be on, an online media outlet, or do a video instead. You could even start a blog or speak to an in-person group. Whatever route you think you might want to take, don’t be afraid to share your thoughts with the world.
To learn more about self-publishing or to start your own journey, visit Publish Pros at www.publishpros.com. Consultations are free, and you have nothing to lose. Make 2023 the year you tell your story. The world needs more authentic and real people to show up and share their story, now more than ever!