Start Your Day With Positive Affirmations
Starting your day with positive thoughts and affirmations can help you have a good day.
And, let’s face it, we could all use an extra dose of positive vibes right now.
If you’re like most people, you have a lot going on in your life. Between all the responsibilities and external stressors most of us are trying to juggle, staying positive is a little more challenging these days. For you. For me. For all of us.

Start your day off with positive affirmations.
The best way to help yourself stay positive is to fill your mind with thoughts that support how you want to feel. That saying, “What we think, we become,” is absolutely true.
I like to start my day with a little meditation, thinking about what I’m grateful for, and then I recite my positive affirmations.
It doesn’t take a lot of time, but this routine absolutely helps me begin my day in a positive way. I find doing this first thing in the morning helps to set the stage for the kind of day I want to have. When I don’t do it, I can absolutely tell a difference in how my day plays out.
While, there aren’t any guarantees, I know I’m a lot more likely to have a good day if it starts out in a positive manner. I recommend that you practice reciting affirmations each day, at the same time. It’s best to say them out loud, but if you prefer, you can read them to yourself.
If this feels a little strange to you at first, don’t worry. Growing pains can be uncomfortable, and it will take time to get used to incorporating this practice into your daily life. Just try your best to keep it up.
Here are my current daily affirmations:
Today is a great day.
I am so happy wonderful things are happening in my life and I am grateful for all of my blessings.
I am grateful to be alive.
I am grateful to be healthy.
I am grateful to feel good.
I am attracting exactly what I need to help me move forward with my dreams.
I release anything that isn’t serving me well or holding me back.
The people I meet and the situations I find myself in are in alignment with my goals.
I trust the Universe is on my side and everything I want is on the way to me.
I am happy.
I am calm.
I am truly blessed.
I believe reciting the above each day will help you feel more positive. Remember, nothing is set in stone. You can always reevaluate and write new affirmations, as your life changes and you get used to doing this. If you stick with it, I have a feeling you will notice you feel happier and more joyful.
We can’t control a lot that happens to us, but we can absolutely do our best to fill our minds with positive thoughts and affirmations. Help yourself have a good day by being intentional about what you think about.