Life Is Full Of Ups And Downs
As Einstein once said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
There are good moments and challenging moments. But, you must keep moving and pushing forward, even when you’re facing a particularly difficult situation. You’ve also got to recognize and appreciate the good moments when you have them.
I’m sitting in my kitchen after a whirlwind of a weekend. It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m tired. The good kind of tired that comes from a weekend of fun and many well lived moments. The last ten days of my life have been truly incredible. The launch of my book, Crush Cancer, and then hearing all the feedback from so many people. It’s been a dream come true. I’ve said it many times, this book is the something good that came from something bad. And, it’s my privilege.
“You share so much,” someone said to me, “You don’t hold back at all. Is it strange that so many people know a lot about you?” Truth be told, it is a vulnerable place to be. Because, if you’ve read Crush Cancer (if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?) you’ll know that I do share it all: the good, the bad and everywhere in-between. But, I wanted the book to be real and honest. To write from my heart about one of the hardest times in my life. Anything less wouldn’t have been fair to the reader.
Life is full of ups and downs.
I’ve also learned it’s OK to allow myself to feel vulnerable. To let other people in and see my many imperfections. I’m not perfect and I never want anyone to think otherwise. Opening myself up, and exposing everything I shared in my book, was the only way I knew how to tell my story. I’m willing to be transparent for the purpose of showing other people, facing their own personal challenges, that life can be hard. But, that doesn’t mean they can’t get through whatever it is they’re facing.
If you’re facing a challenging situation, and life feels hard, I hope my story helps you.
“Why do I have to deal with this?” you might find yourself asking. “Why me?” We all ask that question when life feels hard and unfair. When we’re dealing with something we don’t want to be dealing with. But, take it from me, these questions are truly wasted energy. Having a pity party isn’t going to help you. At all. Instead, it will make you feel worse at a time when you need to find the strength to push yourself forward.
What does work, and what will help you, is to focus your energy doing things that make you feel better. Eat healthy foods, even if it’s hard to eat and you aren’t hungry. Let yourself rest. Write in your journal, exercise if you can, even if it’s just for a little bit, and surround yourself with positive people. Talk to close friends and family about how you feel and read inspiring books, (hint,hint!) Make life easier for yourself, not harder. Build yourself up, talk to yourself in a positive manner and don’t worry about what other people are or aren’t facing.
Show yourself some grace and don’t judge or be too hard on yourself. All you can do is your best to get through whatever it is you find yourself facing. One day at a time, one step at a time.
Whatever you do, you must keep moving.
Find meaning each day,