Laughter Is The Best Medicine
At a restaurant Saturday night, things seemed to be a little off. Instead of making excuses, the staff just laughed at themselves. We’ve all heard before that laughter is the best medicine, and it’s true, it really is.
For starters, the waitress forgot to put in our appetizer and it wasn’t until Jon asked about it that she remembered. Next, she spilled water on the floor instead of filling up a glass. Water went everywhere. Instead of getting all upset about it, she laughed at herself. It made us all laugh. We weren’t laughing at her, we were laughing at what she was doing. “Forgive me,” she said, “I’m not myself tonight.”
In the room next to our table, we heard a lot of commotion and couldn’t figure out what was going on until another waitress walked past us holding a broken chair. A man was sitting in the chair and the chair broke. He was fine, and instead of complaining, he and everyone else in the room laughed about it. Literally, the whole room was laughing.
These situations could have put a damper on the night, but fortunately, no one let it. Instead, the laughter helped make the evening more fun.
When you make a mistake or something doesn’t go the way you want it to go, consider laughing about it. While you could get all upset, angry, and let your pride take a hit, you could also just grin and bear it.
They say laughter is the best medicine, and I would have to agree. In most situations, it is.
Obviously, there are times when laughter is the last thing you should do. Times when it’s inappropriate to laugh.
I once had a job in an ice cream shop. I was working alone, behind the counter, and someone ordered a milkshake. I’d never made a milkshake before, using the machine, and didn’t know how. Sadly, it didn’t go so well. The ice cream went all over the place, including the large menu on the wall. Instead of crying about it, I laughed. My manager didn’t think it was very funny, and I ended up getting fired. It was my first and only time working in the food industry. I think about it every time I make a milkshake for one of my kids, and it makes me smile.
Maybe I shouldn’t have laughed, but I’m sure crying wouldn’t have done any good either. I was a teenager working behind the counter, and didn’t know how to handle the equipment or myself.
I believe laughter is the best medicine in most instances.
Don’t take yourself so seriously. Think about this the next time you’re in a sticky situation. Instead of getting angry or frustrated, try to laugh about it. You might find it’s easier to move on when you don’t make a big deal about it.
At the very least, you’ll get a good laugh and that always feels good.
Find meaning each day,
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