No School Tomorrow
“No school tomorrow,” my kids cheered as they came to find me and share the good news.
“We get another snow day,” they said with joy and excitement. I remember the days when hearing the TV announce school was closed was enough to send me into a state of pure happiness.
“Isn’t that great,” I said, “No school, again.”
It started snowing early Friday morning, and we’ve been home ever since. We considered leaving the house and going to a couple of parties, but it was going to be too much effort for me to change out of my PJ’s and into real clothes. For the past few days, I’ve showered, put on a fresh pair of PJ’s , and been completely lazy. I’ve loved every moment of this time with my family.
That was then, this is now.
I have two words for you: cabin fever.
One snow day is absolutely lovely. Two snow days, still enjoyable. Three snow days, the novelty seriously start to wear off. Four snow days, I’m over it.
Guess what? We’ve had Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Tomorrow makes the fourth day. The fourth snow day.
I’m not trying to be unappreciative. I’m not trying to dismiss the winter wonderland that’s taking place outside my window.
I’m simply keeping it real.
The first day, I was happy to make hot chocolate, sip it by the fire, and talk.
The second day, I didn’t mind doing four loads of dishes and driving the kids all over the neighborhood. I could still wear my PJ’s and didn’t have to get out of the car.
But, by the third day, we’re out of food, the house is trashed, and I’m ready to get back to normal life.
I’m ready for my kids to go back to school.
At the same time, I’m trying to make the most of the time we have together, embrace this special winter party that’s going on inside and outside, and catch up on all the shows I’ve wanted to binge on Netflix. We’ve cranked the music on and had dance parties that would make Beyonce proud. We’ve talked, and talked some more.
“Do you think we’ll have school on Tuesday?” My kids keep asking. This seems to be the new concern. They want to know if they need to do their homework, or if they can push it one more day. They want a fifth snow day.
“You better do it,” I told them, “I think you’ll have school Tuesday.”
Please let them have school Tuesday. I’m really ready for school Tuesday. Come to think of it, even if it’s not in session, my kids will be there.
Find meaning each day,
If you liked this post, check out: https://crazyperfectlife.com/its-snowing/
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Hah! I think I’m the only one who doesn’t have cabin fever.. I haven’t left the house since Thursday (that grocery bill was enough to render me useless for a week) and only begrudgingly showered yesterday. BUT! I put on real pants today. Okay…fleece lined leggings but still. They’re not sweats. Judging from the fact that none of the tertiary roads have been plowed (or the school parking lots I hear) I have a good feeling that WSFCS will be closed tomorrow.. not sure about privates. Hang in there and hide in your closet 😉
Putting on real pants is a step up! If I wear exercise clothes, does that count?