21 Days of Thankfulness
When the calendar moves from October to November, I automatically shift into gratitude mode. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I love what it stands for: taking the time to count your blessings.
In this season of giving thanks, we have a super fun and meaningful way you can lean in and let the people you care about know how you feel.
My podcast partner, Garth Callaghan, has come up with an extra special way to mark this time, with his 21 Days of Thankfulness.
We invite you to join us this season, as we give thanks to the people in our lives who matter the most to us.
Starting Nov 8th, we will write a note a day, until Thanksgiving. I love writing notes to the people in my life, and I know they enjoy receiving these notes. It doesn’t take very much time, but it feels good to take a moment to let the people you care about know how you feel.

Commit to our 21 days of thankfulness.
At the beginning of this year, I started writing my daughter, Zoe, who is a Sophomore in college, a letter each week. It felt good to intentionally make time each week to sit down and write her a real letter, something I know she enjoys receiving and is more likely to keep, versus the quick text messages we send to one another. I also try to include a note in my daughter Avi’s lunch when I pack it for her. These little notes help us to connect and strengthen our relationships.
Recently, life got in the way, and I didn’t send Zoe a letter. I wasn’t sure she even noticed, until I received a text message from her, “Where’s my letter?” she asked me. “Did you miss it?” I responded to her.
“Yes,” she said, “I love getting them.”
That was all I needed to hear to reinforce my belief that sending letters to the people we love and care about matters. If this sounds like something you would like to try, now is the time! I have a feeling you will enjoy everything about this.
Follow our Thankfulness guide, choose a note card or a napkin, and take a moment to write a note to someone in your life.
Remember, it’s the thought that counts. You can send your letter through the mail, leave it on the recipients pillow, put it in a lunch box or desk, or do whatever feels right to you. There are no rules except to commit to writing a letter, each day, for 21 days. By the way, these letters don’t have to be long.
Here are a few ideas about what you can write. Garth is all about one liners that have a lot of meaning in a short and sweet way. See below for 21 ideas of what you can write in your notes.